Expand the network adapters section and click on Ethernet. To change the driver for your network adapter, go to Device Manager. READ ALSO: Can I Reinstall Windows 10 After Reset? You must be logged into your University Computing Account to access the network settings. You can choose to enable or disable automatic network switching and use the “Automatically use my Windows” option. Then, click ‘Change adapter settings.’ This will open a window containing the network settings. To get to the Ethernet settings on Windows 10, go to the Start menu and type ‘Settings’. Once there, click Network adapters and click Disable. Alternatively, you can try uninstalling the ethernet drivers. If it is still not fixed, try restarting your PC. Repeat this step to test if the problem is fixed. Click the Change adapter Settings option, and then click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Next, you need to open the Network and Sharing Center. This window also lets you update the driver, roll back to an older version, or uninstall the driver. The Advanced Ethernet Properties tab displays detailed information about the Ethernet device, such as the patent protection and other details. You can disable this network adapter by right-clicking it, selecting the Properties option, and choosing the Advanced Ethernet Properties option. Other network adapters have names such as TAP, VMware, or WAN. The Wi-Fi adapter has the word Wireless in its name, and is usually an Intel product. To turn on the Ethernet network connection on Windows 10, first you need to disable the Wi-Fi adapter. When I Plug in Ethernet Cable Nothing Happens?.Why is My Ethernet Connection Not Working?.Why is My Ethernet Not Working Windows 10?.How Do I Enable Ethernet on Windows 10?.